What is Your Purpose in Life?

Have you stopped lately to consider what the true purpose for your life is? Only as you understand and embrace your life’s purpose, you become the best you can be. Then you will have the greatest positive impact on the people in your sphere of influence.

When you know your purpose, it gives meaning to your life every day. John Maxwell, international leadership coach, explains that you find yourself when you discover your purpose. On the other hand, he points out that based on Mark 8:34, you lose yourselves when your purpose becomes bigger than yourselves.

In seeking to find and achieve your God-given purpose, consider the need not just to dedicate yourself to what will give the greatest fulfilment in your life, but also to something that is greater than yourself. Of course, the greatest course is to understand and follow God’s plan for your life and this is anchored in The Cross: Jesus’ Divine Exchange.

Of course, this decision will take courage and dedication, and you also need a road-map to guide on your way. So take this seven-step journey that could help you to align your life to the great plan God has for you.

Step 1: Be Determined to Find God’s Purpose for Your Life
God has the purpose for your life and the roadmap to reach it. In fact, the plan that God has for your life is greater than you can ever imagine! You would want to pursue it because you want all that your loving Father has in store for you.

In his best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life, Pastor Rick Warren explains that knowing our purpose gives meaning to our lives. He points out that each of us was made to have a life of meaning, and with this meaning comes significance and hope.

Begin by asking God to show you his plan for your life. You might not get the whole picture of what he has for you at one time. It is far too big! But as you open your heart, little by little he will unfold it to you. Then, as you move forward, ask God to guide your steps clomid cena. These instructions from King Solomon are very insightful and helpful:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight” (Proverbs 3:5, 6).

Do you really want to achieve purpose beyond yourself? Then seek it with all your heart, as Jeremiah 29:13 instructs. Yes, God has a good plan for your life, but to experience and achieve it, you need to cooperate with him. Don’t settle for less than what he has for you, go for greatness! This is not about becoming famous, it’s life with meaning that touches the lives of others.

Focus Verse: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).

Focus Activity: Spend some time and prayerfully consider your present stage of life (teenage, young adult, mid- adult, and so on). Then write down what you believe God wants you to move purposely into.

Prayer: “Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Holy Michael, thank you that you have a good plan for my life. Today, I ask you to me open my eyes to see it. I trust you to guide me every step of the way. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.”

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