ARRIVAL DATE: Thursday, 25th August 2022
ARRIVAL TIME: 12pm onward

Take note of the following guidelines;

1. Every participant is expected to be of good behaviour and to conduct themselves in proper manner as befitting Christians.
You are expected to participate actively in every activity brought up at the camp ground.
Security personnel will be on-site to ensure compliance with camp rules.

2. Your registration fee covers your feeding (a meal ticket will be given) and camp proceedings.

Any payment after the deadline date will not get camp proceedings and there will be no provision for feeding.

3. The camp ground is a public/open place. Ensure you keep any item or device you take with you to the camp ground properly. You must ensure that you keep guard over your belongings (phones, chargers, etc). Report any incidence to the camp security officers.

4. Feeding at the camp will not be 3 square meal. However, participants have the freedom to get for themselves food and beverages at their own expense.
NOTE: Cooking is not allowed at the camp ground but there is a mammy market where you can buy whatever you want at your own cost.
You can as well go along with food items like bread, corn flakes, golden morn, garri and other things that do not require cooking.

5. Come with at least three (3) garments. So you can easily change when one is dirty. We don’t support washing of garments at the camp ground. You may lose your garment.

6. Prepare your toiletries such as toothpaste and brush, soap and sponge, etc. We don’t have to tell us this though.

7. Get for yourself socks, sweaters, gloves and cover clothes. We never can predict the weather condition for those days. Based on experience.

8. There will be a measure of adherence to Covid-19 protocols. Therefore, the use of nose mask is compulsory.

9. Every participant is expected to come with his/her own cutlery – plate, spoon and so on. You present your meal ticket and your plate at the point where food is dished.
NOTE: Keep your meal tickets diligently. Once you lose it, you will not have access to camp food anymore. You meal ticket is your access to food at the camp.

10. The aim of the programme is that all CCC youths will come together for fellowship and prayers. There will be other side attractions as well. So let us prepare our minds for it. It’s not a get together party or reunion. It’s serious business.

11. Security personnel will be fully on ground.

12. Participants for the 2022 AYC SPORT MINDS COMPETITION should register through the link in order for participation and ensure they come along with their interested games items

13. All states are to present 2 participants each for the bible quiz competition and 1 for the memory verse competition.

Please ensure you report any incidence to the camp security officers.

Please ensure you report any incidence to the camp security officers.

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